Christophe Boutter's little website

My Experience With Bullet Journal

31 Jan 2014

I started using Bullet Journal last year in november. It helps me getting my thoughts sorted out, since I can write down the thoughts and let them foster a bit. And since I’m a software developer, I have N.A.D.D. So bullet journal is a neat way to remember what I was doing before the newest interruption found me. OK, that’s not the only way I get interruped, often some colleagues come along or the next meeting is scheduled. There are way more interruptions one would think. Before bullet journal interruptions were a big time waster, now I can almost immediately set up where I left. In the kanban setting it helps to know what I’ve done in the last weeks when doing a retrospective.

I’m not using everything Ryder Carroll advocates in his guide. For example I don’t use the calendar, I prefer using a digital one in my iPhone. Since I have also set up a personal Kanban, I don’t use the monthly task system. Currently I’m logging into a X17 and I’m pretty happy with it. What I don’t like, is that I cannot use whatever inlays I want, so I’ll probably switch to Roterfaden.

I’ll probably write a follow-up post when I’ve used the system some more.